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Glasswalk Sunday 24th March

I cannot wait for my first Glasswalking event being held at The Barn in Shotts (Strength and Soul) on the 24th March 2019. This is going to be a small intimate and fun event. I have kept ticket availability very limited so I can give everyone my best.

Glasswalking is very different to firewalking and for some reason seems a little more scary to most people. I personally love Glasswalking. It's slow, gentle, and almost meditative with intention and love. I personally feel that we need to almost stop, slow down and enjoy life as far too many of us don't get to enjoy the journey of life as we are so busy head down and working. This is where I can see Glasswalking has an amazing place.

walking on broken glass bottles does seem a little nuts to many people but it can give so much to each person who trusts their intuition and themselves to walk safely across the broken glass. So many people have had the experience of accidentally stepping on broken glass and hurting themselves but when doing so with intention is such a different experience.

The Glasswalk is the big finale to this event. We will start off nice and gentle and slowly upping the intensity as the day progresses. This particular event we will be participating in arrow breaking and board breaking before the Glasswalk.

Arrow breaking is amazing. Since its done with your throat it can really help release the throat chakra and gives you an opportunity to communicate better. Board breaking comes from the heart (although we use our hands) and helps us to let go of our personal past constraints.

This will be an event that can help you change and develop your life and allow you to become a truer more authentic you.

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