Did you know one of the quickest ways to contact me is via WhatsApp???
I get notifications from WhatsApp but not so many through Facebook (I have my personal and multiple business pages so if not logged into that page, then no notification.) or even my business email as my email is in 2 parts (direct email where I get a notification or the contact form/ through the website where I don't get a notification.).
My business phone number is actually connected to my WhatsApp account so it's much easier to get in touch.
Business phone number 01236338330
I have also started to create a WhatsApp group for updates and information about what I'm doing in the business. Noone apart from me can post in the group so you don't get a million notifications from other people commenting on anything I have posted. I will post about events I am working at, any classes I am hosting, training dates, new promo codes for the month ahead and a few other bits and pieces. It will not be a daily occurrence so no need to stress about me lighting up your phones WhatsApp notifications constantly.
If you want to join the WhatsApp group I will pop the link below and you can add yourself to it.
Julie ❤️