F.I.T Firewalk Instructor training
OMG where the hell do I start with this one.
I traveled down to Peterborough with my lovely friend Lez to participate in a 4 day course that was seriously amazing. I have been interested in Firewalking for a number of years and it just kept popping up around me so I took it as a sign. I made the decision back in February this year that I was going to complete my F.I.T within a year so set about asking other people who they trained with. Brian Costello from the Scottish Centre of NLP highly recommended that we attend F.I.T with Success Formulae at Firewalking UK. And Brian was definitely correct. The course was mind blowing.
I went down with my usual "you only have one life so enjoy it" mentality and I seriously enjoyed it. The group of participants were brilliant. We gelled as a group fairly quickly and the trainers Barry and Steve with their troop of assistants were all so friendly and generous with their time. Laughter was a huge part of the 4 days.
So down to the nitty gritty of what we were doing for 4 days.
We spent lots of time getting to know each other and doing various team building activities. You really couldn't get anymore up close and personal. We built many fires, took them apart and rebuilt them until we were pretty good at building safe fires. There was lots of talk about equipment and safety for us the tenders and the participants. Wood was also featured a lot. Who would have guessed? Lol. We walked on fires lots of them but I will come to that in a minute. We prepped glass for walking on and we walked on glass. We broke boards and bricks with our hands and cheered each other on through our successes. We broke arrows with our throats and had so much fun together.
So the fires. When I went to Peterborough I was a Firewalk virgin but that is gone now. I walked on a total of 121 fires in the space of 4 days. Incredibly 108 of those walks were carried out one after another all on night 4. The camaraderie that we shared was immense and I have my new found tribe. My fire tribe.
No my feet are not burnt or sore in any way at all. Yes the fire is hot but it's exhilarating. To be honest my feet are still a bit black from the soot. No matter how many baths I have I still have more soot coming out my feet.
There were a fair few surprises on the course. The whole experience had been planned to perfection. Each step, each activity was set to push us a little further and open us up a little more. The surprises the team had in store were great fun. If you want to know what the surprises were then you will need to go on the course.
What happens on F.I.T stays on F.I.T.
This is an experience that everyone should have.
I cannot wait to share what I have learnt on F.I.T. Now to plan some amazing firewalking empowerment events to share with you all.